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Avignon opera, in the heart of the medieval city

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L'opéra d'Avignon, façade principale

The Opéra in Avignon wecomes you Place de l'Horloge in Avignon with a program 2014 / 2015 of theater, dance et concert.

 Tuesday 9th December 2014 - Quatuor Girard - Haydn, Sauguet et Schumann.

Saturday 13th December 2014 - Aper'Opéra - Gershwin, Bernstein, Mancini.

Sunday 14th December 2014 - Andreas Staier - Bach.

Saturday 27th /  Sunday 28th / Wednesday 31st december 2014 - " La Belle Hélène" d'Offenbach.

Saturday  3rd January 2015: Amstrong Jazz Ballet - Black Source Dance Theater.

Wednesday 7th January 2015 - Ballet du Nouvel An 2015 - "Casse Noisette" de Tchaïkovski.

Saturday 10th January 2015 - Concert du Nouvel An

Sunday 11th January 2015 - Stile Antico ( Musique baroque)

Tuesday 13th January 2015 - Théâtre " Le Placard" avec Elie Semoun, Zoé Félix et Laurent Gamelon.

Saturday 17th January 2015 - Apér'Opéra - Fauré, Verdi, Wagner, Debussy...

Thursday 22nd, Friday 23rd and Saturday 24th January - Ballet " Cendrillon " de Prokofiev.

Saturday 24th January - Musique de Chambre avec Karine Deshayes et Philippe Cassard ( Ravel, Fauré, Debussy...).

Sunday 25th and Tuesday 27th January - Opéra Bouffe " Don Pasquale " de Donizetti.

Friday 30th January - Concert symphonique - Schubert, Vogel et Brahms.

Saturday 14th February - Musique de Chambre: Beethoven, Chopin et Mendelssohn.

Sunday 15th and Tuesday 17th February - Opéra "La Bohème" de Puccini.

Friday 20th February - Concert symphonique.

Saturday 21st February - Théâtre " Je préfère qu'on reste amis" de Laurent Ruquier avec Michèle Bernier et Frédéric Diefenthal.

Thursday 26th February - Ballet contemporain " Khaos ".

Saturday 28th February and Sunday 1st March - Ballet contemporain " Histoire de Danse".

Tuesday 3rd March - Théâtre " l'Affrontement" avec Francis Huster.

Saturday 7th March - Choeur de l'OPéra Grand Avignon, Berlioz, Rossini,...

Sunday 8th March - Musique Baroque avec Jean Rondeau au clavecin.

Friday 13th and Saturday 14th March - Jeune Public - " Chou Fleur" de et avec Sophie Forte.

Friday 20th and Sunday 22nd March - Opéra " Simon Boccanegra" de Verdi.

Saturday  21st March - Musique de chambre avec Davis Guerrier et Olivier Moulin - Brahms, Debussy ...

Wednesday 25th March - Danse au profit de la Fondation Frédéric Gaillane - Mira Europe.

Friday 27th and Saturday 28th March - jeune public - "Carte Blanche au Ballet".

Friday 27th March - Concert de Prestige.

Saturday  28th March - Alex Lutz.

Sunday 29th March - Musique Baroque - Haendel " The Messiah".

Wednesday 1st April - "L.A. Dance Project" de Benjamin Millepied.

Thursday 2nd April - Théâtre - " Nos Femmes" avec Richard Berry et Jean Reno.

Sunday 12th and Tuesday 14th April - Opéra en 2 Actes -  "Les Caprices de Marianne" de Sauguet.

Friday 17th April - Concert Symphonique.

Saturday 18th April - Apér'Opéra - Audrey Kessedjian et Pascal Canitrot.

Tuesday 21st April - Musique de chambre - Beethoven et Schubert.

Sunday 3rd and Wednesday 6th May - Opéra " Hamlet" de Thomas.

Saturday 9th May - Nolwenn Leroy.

Tuesday 12th May - Musique de chambre - Alexandre Tharaud.

Wednesday 20th May - Théâtre " Nina d'André Roussin.

Friday 22nd May - Concert Symphonique - Rameau, Gluck, Bach ...

Saturday 30 May - Ballets - "Les Forains" de Sauguet et "Gymnopédies de Satie.

Wednesday 3rd June - Opéra Compétition And Festival / Arte.

Friday 5th June - Concert de Prestige - Mozart ...

Tuesday 9th June - Théâtre " Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran" de Eric Emmanuel Schmith.

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th June - Art Lyrique - " Le Roi l'a dit".

Saturday  6th June - Avignon Temps Danse - " Autour de Carmen".

Sunday 21st June - Fête de la musique.


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